The work continues to ensure everyone who needs it can access reliable high speed internet for school, work and health. According to a recent article by CalMatters, low-income communities and communities of color continue to struggle to afford internet services.
To help narrow this divide, the federal government is extending its Emergency Broadband Benefit Program for eligible households – indefinitely. It will provide a subsidy of $30 per month. Data show that many still either do not know about the benefit or have not signed up.
Nationwide, only about one in five eligible households were enrolled as of Oct. 31. This means that 26 million eligible households are not receiving the subsidy.
CalMatters Commentary “Narrowing the Digital Divide with Pandemic Benefits”
The article lines out some recommendations to improve the Emergency Boradband program that can provide a short-term strategy combined with CA long-term strategic investments. Click HERE to read the full article.