In the event of public safety power shut off, your local energy company may need to
turn off power in your community. Other disasters can also cause power outages.
Before the next Public Safety Power Shutoff happens, follow these steps and be prepared.
- Keep your wireless phones charged
- Identify ways to charge when the power is off
- Make a Family Communications Plan
- Install a backup battery for your home landline
- Consider buying a mobile phone for emergencies
- Enable your phone for Wireless Emergency Alerts
Below are tips for communicating during a power outage
- Texts may go through faster and easier than phone calls
- Turn on Wi-Fi calling
- Be patient, call value may be high
- Forward your landline to your mobile line in an evacuation
- Keep non-emergency calls to a minimum
See additional links below to learn how you can prepare and stay better connected in the event of a power outage.