Summer Webinar Series

Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) is joining The Children’s Partnership and its partners for “Connecting to Communities Webinar Series” aimed to educate and empower California’s families about important and timely issues that impact their health and well-being. The series will be held from August 13 to September 3 every Thursday at 5:30 p.m.

The first in the series Cuales Son Sus Opciones de Cobertura de Salud Durante el Coronavirus will be presented in Spanish on August 13 and address topics like Medi-Cal, Covered California, and healthcare rights and options for undocumented and mixed-status immigrant families.

On August 20, the Gearing Up for Back-to-School webinar will provide families with tips and resources to plan and prepare for the coming school year to support children’s academic achievement.

On August 27, the Let’s Build Together, Let’s Heal Together: A Collective Youth Mental Health Conversation,  will address racial trauma and provide space for young people to connect with peers, tools, and resources.

On September 3, the series will wrap up with a Telehealth 101 webinar to learn about the latest efforts on advancing telehealth policy and community-friendly resources to increase the use of telehealth by families to address their healthcare needs.

To learn more about the series, please contact Nancy Olivares at or visit The Children’s Partnership

The Summer Series workshop is presented by The Children’s Partnership with Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE), Plascencia Consulting, and Neighborhood Legal Aid Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA), Innercity Struggle, Children’s Defense Fund, and Gente Organizada