Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) along with education, nonprofit, and community leaders have joined to address the urgency for every Fresno County family to have equitable digital access and the knowledge and skills to navigate the internet in order to support learning, health and well-being, and economic prosperity.
The Equitable Broadband for All Coalition is made up of trusted messengers from the community advocating to provide families with clear, actionable, and culturally responsive information in their home languages utilizing communication modes that foster two-way conversations, are accessible to parents, and allow for family collaboration to set goals to accelerate their children’s learning for reopening and beyond.
Digital inclusion and adoption for all families benefit students, schools, communities and ultimately our overall economic prosperity. The coalition will continue to find solutions that foster digital inclusion and adoption for families that are culturally and linguistically accessible and woven into the needs of everyday life.
The Equitable Broadband for All Coaltion members: