PIQE Videos
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Celebrate with our STEM Class from Anacapa Middle School
Patriot High School family shares their journey for a better tomorrow.
Cesar Chavez Middle School mom shares her journey and hopes for her children’s future.
Patriot High School Mom shares words of wisdom to fellow parents.
PIQE Staff Celebrate Parents
Meet our parents!
California State Superintendent Thurmond, California Assemblywoman Weber and Education Leaders Share Survey Revealing Key Challenges and Growing Inequalities for California Families During Coronavirus and Distance Learning
Amid the crisis and the worry of COVID-19, 40 Ocean View Hills Elementary parents completed PIQE’s nine-week Parent Engagement Workshops.
Que es Covid-19 con PIQE Lideres Comunitarios Mixteco
Conversación on Principal Manuel Burciaga de Northview High School
Conversacion con Directora de Departamento de Investigación y Promoción de la Salud, San Ysidro Health
A message from Manuela Colom, Executive Director of Curriculum, Innovation and Inclusion at San Ysidro School District.