February 14, 2023

Talking to Children After a Tragedy

Facebook Twitter LinkedInAs we grapple with the tragedies that have recently unfolded -mass shootings, natural disasters, war, racial attacks, and firearms, among others- parents, teachers, caregivers, and other adults need to be prepared to explain these situations to their children. […]
February 21, 2023

Excused Absences for Mental Health

Facebook Twitter LinkedInDid you know that under a 2021 California law, public school students can take up to five days of excused absences for mental health, no questions asked? We are experiencing a youth mental health crisis in California and […]
February 28, 2023

Celebrate Read Across America Day

Facebook Twitter LinkedInMarch 2nd  is Read Across America Day in the United States. The initiative that encourages children to read is celebrated on Dr. Seuss’ Birthday since 1998. Reading is one of the most fundamental skills that children need to […]
March 7, 2023

¿Cómo Habló Con Mi Hijo Sobre Las Tragedias?

Facebook Twitter LinkedInA medida que lidiamos con las tragedias que se han desarrollado recientemente (tiroteos masivos, desastres naturales, guerras, ataques raciales y armas de fuego, entre otros), los padres, maestros, cuidadores y adultos en general debemos estar preparados para explicar […]